3 Quotes & Sayings By Liz Liaw

Liz Liaw is a writer and editor who lives in Brooklyn. She has a PhD in English from Columbia University. Her first novel, The Last Song of Summer, was a National Book Award finalist and a New York Times best seller. The sequel to that novel, The Hours of Day and Night, will be published by Viking in January 2013 Read more

Her essay "On Being a Writer" appeared in The Writer magazine. She blogs for The Millions and is the author of the book The Lifebox: A Writer's Survival Guide.

When troubles come into my life which burden my heart and my mind, I know that God will guide me by making his presence shine. Liz Liaw
Stop complaining about your life, the food you eat or the clothes you wear, the grade you got or your newest phone. Instead look at what you have and be GRATEFUL. Compared to others on this earth, you are much more advantaged than them. Remember that what you have aren't afflictions but blessings from God. <3 Liz Liaw